价值中国 - 财经商业新媒体
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作者:白世贞 编著


Declaration English was published by China Material Press according to colleges’aim and
request of fostering students, referring to a great lot of inland and overseas spe-cial
literatures of Logistics in order to adapt to colleges’request of special English teach-ing of
logistics management. The intention is to foster students’reading ability of special English
and interpretation ability of special English literatures.
It is the key that China move towards the world to enter World Trade
Organization,though the full benefis of entering the WTO has not been totally protruding
now yet, butthe influence of reducing tariffs, canceling quota and license is being far——
reaching day by day. The volume of trade of China’s imports and exports had reached
851.21billion dollars in 2003, increasing by 37.1% compared with the same period of last
year. The suop of import-export volume makes the great demand for talents of foreign
trade and international logishcs. This book provides reader a concise an comprehensive
coverag of operaion knowedge, international trade, finance and relevant document
knowedge on customs declaration. For completeness, however, this book included some
back-pound knowledge of trade procedures in general and a summary of shipment terms
and payment.
This book applies to university students whose major is customs declaration with basc
English, and also to the ones whose major is international trade, international commercial
business, and logistics management and the professional engaging in cus-toms declaraion
and freight forward in order to improve the reading ability of special English and documentare knowledge.

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