Prof. Lu has long been engaged in the research of theoretical physics in Nanjing University, Northeastern University in Boston, University of Vermont, and The University of New South Wales in Sydney. His field is statistical physics, especially low dimensional many-body systems. During these ten years he also devoted himself enthusiastically to the education initiative. As Dean of School of Intensive Instruction in Sciences and Arts Nanjing University, he concerns reform of introductory physics course very much. This book is the result of 13 years practice. Besides physics his interests include music, and swimming. He is an amateur photographer and go player.
本书是面向21世纪课程教材,是在原第一版的基础上修订而成的,原第一版获2002年度国家级优秀教材一等奖。本书是作者多年教改的成果,与国内同类教材相比,本书在内容、体系上均有较大创新。全书包括Accretion, AMS, Bose-Einstein condensation, cold fusion, clusters, DNA double-helix structure, Einstein field equation, fractals, grand unification, helix-coil transition, inflationary universe model, Ising model, jets from star, k-space, laser, light spectrum, Mossbauer effect, neutrino mass, optical pumping, quark model, quasi-crystal, three kinds of redshifts, SOC, tidal disruption, universe models, virtual pair, W±, X ray, Yukawa model, Z0等内容。本书可作为理科各专业大学物理课程的教材,也可供其他专业和社会读者阅读。