Michael J. Padilla, Ph.D.
Department of Science Education
University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia
Michael Padilla is a leader in middle school science education. He has served as an editor and elected officer for the National Science Teachers Association. He has been principal investigator of several National Science Foundation and Eisenhower grants and served as a writer of the National Science Education Standards.
As lead author of Science Explorer, Mike has inspired the team in developing a program that meets the needs of middle grades students, promotes science inquiry, and is aligned with the National Science Education Standards.
“科学探索者”美国最权威的研究性学习教材。美国中学普遍选用的综合理科教材。也是新课标、新观念、新学法的最佳参考用书。本册主要讲述的是“人体生理卫生”,将带领你探索科学奥秘,指导研究性学习,知识能力方法并重,动手动脑趣味无穷。 本书主要包括人体的组成、骨骼肌肉和皮肤、消化与吸收、物质循环、呼吸与排泄、战胜疾病、神经系统、内分泌系统和生殖系统、奥林匹克动物等内容。