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BEI JING 北京名信片英文版

作者:本社 编


Almost all majestic and tolerant cities in the world have something in common. They are either very oldor grand in scale, with their buildings and streets stamped by history. Moreover, they are also good atabsorbing everything that confronts them. Tradition coexists with modern trends and one ethnic groupor race mingles with another. There is no doubt that Beijing, a place of historical interest and modernattraction, gives proper expression to the characters and qualities typical of such cities.
Beijing exudes a magnificent yet peaceful air as demonstrated by the emperor, and as the capital ofthe last four feudal dynasties in China, namely the fin (1115-1234), Yuan (1206-1368), Ming (1368-1644) andO ing (1616-1911) dynasties, it has witnessed the rise and fall of supreme power in China over the past sevencenturies. The grand and magnificent imperial palaces that have been erected since the lin Dynasty havemade Beijing the largest city housing the largest number of imperial palaces, gardens, temples and tombsand the richest in content in China.
Old as it is, Beijing has never ceased making progress; instead, it has continuously re-invented a newlook for itself. Each day produces yet more changes and new surprises even for the regular passerby. Anumber of modern buildings have added completely new vigour and fantastic appeal to the old city.

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