This textbook is a course for the students majoring non-computer science and taking up the large scale computer calculation and simulation. It consists of three knowledge blocks' Unix operating system, Computer languages (C/C++/Java/Matlab) and Database language SQL. All these contents work on the Unix platform. Various computer languages in this book are integrated as a whole, so that several Ianguages can be compressed into a single course.
The guiding idea of this book lies in: "Any computer language consists of five eIements: Variable, Operator, Function, Control, and lnput/Output (or add Exception and GUI two items). The difference between languages appears only on their different formats." We take a unified metheds for handling three knowledge blocks by combining Shell Script program with computer languages. So, these three parts are close ly relative.
This book also includes a lot of source codes and other important computer languages (Python, TCL and MPl) attached on a compact disk as the indiscerptible parts of it. Readers can really understand the contents of the book only if they learn these source codes in detail.
This book will also be of interest to scientists and engineers who would like to learn the fundamentals of advanced computer programs.