George Braine,应用语言学博士,香港中文大学英文系副教授,Asian Journal of English Language Teaching主编。1989年获美国得克萨斯大学应用语言学博士。曾在美国宾夕法尼亚大学、得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校、南亚拉巴马大学任教。主编有Teaching English to the World."History,Curriculum&Practice;Non—Native Speaker Educators in English Language Teaching;Writing from Sources:A Guide for ESL Students等书,并在TESOL Quarterly、System等国际知名期刊发表有影响论文多篇。
This book introduces students to academic writing through a sequenced set of assignments that help them to move from personal, expressive writing to informative and persuasive writing. The use of source materials, including summary, paraphrase, quotation, and documentation, is emphasized in the informative and persuasive writing assignments. The book stresses writing as a process and encourages the use of collaborative learning strategies as well as individual activities.
Therefore, this book is mainy for students enrolled in Engilsh writing courese. It is suitable for undergraduates, both English majors, and non-English majors, and Master Students from other majors than English. Students who want to study abroad in English-speaking countries will also find this book useful because good writing skills are essential for success in courses and examinations in an academic setting.