The subject of this Workshop,the Exact Renormalization Group,started form pioneering work by Wegner and Houghton in the early seventies and a edcade later by Polchinski who formulated the Wilson renormalization group problems in which conventioal perturbative methods bread down .Examples are the calculation of fixed points,critical exponents and the study of phase transitions
In the past decade considerable progress has been made in this field .First of all,alternative formulation of the approach have been developed,exact renormalization group method ,originally appled,better adapted to particular types of problems.Secondly,the scope of the exact renormalization group method,originally appplied to scalar fields,has been widened to include fermions and gauge fields.Furthermore powerful approximatie schemes for solving the exact renormalization group method,originally applies to scalar fieles,has been widened to include fermions and gauge fields ,Furthermore powerful approximate schemes for solving the exact renormalization group equations results presented at this Workshop,namelythe manifestly gauge-invariant formulation of the exact renormalization group equation and the proof of the c-theorem in foru dimensions