价值中国 - 财经商业新媒体
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作者:詹怀宇,谌凡更,付时雨 编


Paper industry is a mainstay industry and was recognized as an inexhaustible promising industry. It provides us commercial material for packing, printing, publishing and information industries, can leads development of forestry, machinery and chemical engineering etc. In China, paper has been produced from non-wood fibrous raw materials since Han Dynasty. Up till now, China still produces largest amount of paper from non-wood fiber.
The China Technical Association of Paper Industry hosted the 1988 International Non-Wood Fiber Pulping and Papermaking Conference in Beijing. After that the conference was successfully held in Shanghai, Beijing and Jinan in 1992, 1996 and 2000 respectively.
This indicates that both the enterprises and technicians attach importance of papermaking from non-wood fibers.it's our honor to organize the 5th International Non-Wood Fiber Pulping and Papermaking Conference at South China University of Technology. The State Key Laboratory of Pulp and Paper Industry has been applying itself on the fiber chemistry, pulping, bleaching and papermaking from non-wood fibrous raw materials since its establishment. A great number of achievements have been made. The conference provides us an opportunity to
communicate the latest achievements in non-wood fiber pulping and papermaking. A total of 94 papers have been accepted after the review by the committee members. We believe that the academic exchange will favor the advance of the technology of papermaking.
We would like to express our thanks to the National Natural Science Foundation of China for financial support. We are also thankful to China Technical Association of Paper Industry and South China University of Technology for their support. The support from the members of program committee and organization committee is also appreciated.

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