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作者:梁丽娟 著,(美)布劳内尔 译


This book was written by He Zhenliang'swife Liang Lijuan,a senior journalist from thePeople's Daily. He Zhenliang,known asChina's Mr.Olympics,is the honorary presi-dent of the Chinese Olympic Committee,former vice-president of the InternationalOlympic Committee and former Deputy Min-ister of the State Sport Commission of China,the predecessor of the General Administrationof Sport. This book is a memoir of his per-sonal life stories and diplomatic experiencesin the sports field. It gives accurate and de-tailed depictions of the inside stories of a num-ber of significant events in China's history ofsports dealing with the outside world,includ-ing opposition to “two Chinas” in internationalsports organizations in the 1950s,the found-ing of the Games of the Newly EmergingForces (GANEFO) in the 1960s,restorationof China's legitimate seat on the International Olympic Committee in the 1970s,the 1990 Beijing 1 lth Asian Games,and Beijing's bidsfor the 2000 and 2008 Olympic Games. Thestory of the breaking down of barriers to sportsexchanges across the Taiwan Straits is particu-larly fascinating.

Liang Lijuan,fromGuangdong Province,joined the student movement in Shanghai duringher school years. Afterthe founding of thePeople's Republic ofChina in 1949,she wasengaged in youth movement for many years.Later,Liang became a journalist and editor atthe People's Daily,China's most influentialnewspaper,and was once head of thenewspaper's UK bureau. She reported on awide range of subjects,and continued to writeeven after her retirement in 1986. Liang hasparticipated in Beijing's two bids for theOlympics. Her publications include ClosingCeremonies (translation),Olympic Revolu-tion- The Biography of Juan AntonioSamaranch,(translation),The UK Lookingfrom Inside - True Experiences of a FemaleChinese Journalist,University of Cambridge,Collected Works of a Slow Bird,and A Cen-tury of the International Olympic Committee(translation),etc.

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