Zheng Lixin, bornin 1916, is a nativeof Jianli County,Hubei Province. Hestudied Buddhismin Ceylon (present-day Sri Lanka) formany years beforereturning to China in 1951. He became a staffmember of the Chinese BuddhistAssociation, and was engaged in foreign re-lations in his capacity as deputy director ofthe International Department and acting di-rector of the Department of Religious-affairsof the Chinese Buddhist Association. Hewrote and translated a series of books, in-cluding Buddhism in Beijing, The BasicCreeds of Southern Theravada Buddhism,India: Religion and Folklore, Buddhist Sightsin India qsited, and The Wisdom of the Bud-dhist WorM. For a period of time he cata-logued and compiled materials for thepublication of 19 books in the Collection Books as a Cultural Heritage. He has alsocontributed large numbers of articles on thehistory ofBuddhism to magazines andnewspapers.
This book gives a brief introductionto the Chinese Buddhist beliefs,history, sects, art, architecture, pagodas,monasteries, and sutras translated into Chi-nese from the original Sanskrit and otherIndian languages. It also describes the foursacred Buddhist mountains and five majorgrottoes travelers may wish to see, the orga-nization of the Buddhist monasteries and lifein the cloisters, Buddhist festivals and majorBuddhist activities, as well as relationsbetween Chinese and foreign Buddhist soci-eties and organizations. Written in a livelyand conversational style, with accurate his-torical references and fascinating legends andstories, this book is not only suitable for touristsat home and abroad, but also worth readingby anyone interested in the past and presentof Buddhism in China.