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90 Minutes in Heaven: A True Story of Death & Life(传记和自传)

作者:Don Piper 著


ON THE WAY home from a conference, Don Piper's car was crushed by a semi that crossed into his lane. Medical personnel said he died instantly. While his body lay lifeless inside the ruins of his car, Piper experienced the glories of heaven, awed by its beauty and music.
Ninety minutes after the wreck, while a minister prayed for him, Piper miraculously returned to life on earth with only the memory of inexpressible heavenly bliss. His faith in God was severely tested as he faced an uncertain and grueling recovery. Now he shares his life-changing story with you.
9o Minutes in Heaven offers a glimpse into a very real dimension of God's reality It encourages those recovering from serious injuries and those dealing with the loss of a loved one. The experience dramatically changed Piper's life,and it will change yours too.
  作者简介:Don Piper has been an ordained minister since 1985 and has served in several capacities on church staffs, including six years as a senior pastor. Don has appeared on numerous Christian and secular television and radio programs and has been the subject of countless newspaper and magazine features. He writes a weekly newspaper column as well as preaching and leading conferences and retreats across the United States and abroad. He and his wife Eva are the parents of three grown children and live in Pasadena, Texas.

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