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化学 第4版 Chemistry

作者:John A. Olmsted 著


Every morning many of us are energized by a cup of coffee. Imagine if you were as energized by understanding the chemistry in your morning cup--from the coffee trees, which fill red coffee berries with caffeine and a variety of other chemical substances, to the feathery crystals formed by the caffeine molecules, to the decaffeinating machines, which use liquid solvents to remove this stimulant from some of the beans. Now, that's real chemical understanding!
  Olmsted and Williams' Fourth Edition of Chemistry focuses on helping you see and think about the world (and even your coffee) as a chemist. This text helps you understand how chemical phenomena are governed by what happens at the molecular level, apply critical thinking skills to chemical concepts and problems, and master the basic mathematical techniques needed for quantitative reasoning. You'll see the world as chemists do, and learn to appreciate the chemical processes all around us.
  A Fourth Edition with a lot of new perks!
  * Revisions include a new, early energy chapter; revised coverage of bonding; expanded coverage of intermolecular forces; and increased coverage of multiple equilibria, including polyprotic acids.
  * New pedagogy strengthens students' critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  * Visual Summaries at the end of each chapter use molecular and diagrammatic visual elements to summarize essential skills, concepts, equations, and terms.
  * eGrade Plus provides an integrated suite of teaching and learning resources, including a complete online version of the text, links between problems and relevant sections in the online text, practice quizzes, the Visual Tutor, Interactive LearningWare problems, and lab demos, as well as homework management and presentation features for instructors.

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