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Professional Rich 因特网的应用:AJAX及其它 Professional Rich Internet Applications

作者:Dana Moore,Raymond Budd,Edward Benson 著

出版社:John Wiley & Sons

Now you can provide users with the same rich experience and functionality on the web that they've become accustomed to on the desktop computer. This book will show you how to take AJAX and Ruby on Rails to the next level by combining numerous cutting-edge technologies in order to develop full-fledged web applications. It explores a number of frameworks and in-browser APIs while providing code for your own implementations.
You'll gain a thorough understanding of the underlying design principles behind professional Rich Internet Application (RIA) development and the various tools that are available to accomplish your design goals. You'll break down an application into client-side and server-side technologies, and you'll take advantage of key concepts such as mashups, auto-completion, and tagging for social sites.

Dana Moore is a division scientist with BBN Technologies and is an acknowledged expert in the fields of peer-to-peer and collaborative computing, software agent frameworks, and assistive environments. Prior to joining BBN, Dana was chief scientist for Roku Technologies, and a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff at Bell Laboratories. Dana is a popular conference speaker, a university lecturer, and has published both articles for numerous computing publications, and books, including Peer-to-Peer: Building Secure, Scalable, and Manageable Networks and Jabber Developer Handbook. Dana holds a master of science degree in technology management from the University of Maryland, and a bachelor of science in industrial design, also from the University of Maryland.

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