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作者:张国刚 主编


This paper deals with the total amount of Yuffti's memorials to the throne, touching upon the problems as when they were written, missing and the reasons of it, mistakes in their trans- lating and printing, and specific dates of Yunti's undated memorials and dates of the Emperor's comments written in red with a brush on those memorials. We have reasons to say that, hither- to, the total amount of printed Yunti's memorials to the throne is 357 items, that Yunti was the one who had submitted the most memorials to the throne from 57 to 61 year of Emperor Kangxi's regime (1718--1722), and that his memorials had a very important place in the total amount of memorials to the throne in the late period of Emperor Kangxi's regime. His memori- als examined here are either originals or copies written from the copies he had sent to Li Fan Yuan (a ministry for Mongolian, Tibetan and Manchu affairs). And more than two third of his original texts were cut out and destroyed by Emperor Yongzheng. Again, some of the survived originals and copies from Li Fan Yuan were removed or deleted when they were translated and printed, making the contemporary versions of translation even more incomplete. There are se-rious problems in the quality of translation and edition of contemporary versions of his memori-als. Most of the existing undated memorials and related comments written in red with a brush can be traced back to their specific written dates through the writer's text research. No doubt,the examination of his memorials would further the studies on problems such as how Emperor Kangxi run the west frontier and the struggle for succession in the late period of Emperor Kan-gxi's regime.

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