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室外景观设计The Room Outside

作者:本社 编

出版社:Oversea Publishing House

These days the garden isn't just for tending your flowers and mowing the lawn - it offers a whole new living space that can vastly increase your enjoyment of your home. In The Room Outside David Stevens shows how you can optimize your outdoor area, freeing up space inside your home and enhancing your lifestyle at the same time, by allowing you to spend more time and enjoy more activities outdoors.
We are used to the idea of lighting up the barbeque, but why not build a dedicated outdoor kitchen? Working from home? Think how pleasant it would be to be able to look up from your computer and enjoy the vista of your garden from an outdoor office. Need an area for the children to let off steam while you relax on the deck? Play areas can be as incorporated into a design, allowing the whole family to occupy their own individual spaces.

In 2001 JERRY HARPUR became the first photographer ever to win the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Garden Writers' Guild.His photographs of gardens and plants have appeared in numerous books and magazine, including Architectural Digest and House & Garden. He also took the photographs for David Stevens' Roof Gardens Balconies and Terroces and for Penelope Hobhouse's Natural Planting. He travels throughout the world as a photographer and lectures on both sides of the Atlantic.

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