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Italian cooking is steeped in tradition and history, yet it is still relevant to today's modern cook. The emphasis on seasonal, locally sourced ingredients and uncompromising quality has had a profound effect on the style of Italian cuisine and has led to its sustained popularity. Simplicity is the essence, a philosophy adopted by Linda Doeser when creating this inspiring and mouthwatering range of dishes. With a collection of 100 traditional recipes, Linda captures the rich diversity of the culinary regional styles, revealing the characteristic ingredients and distinctive cooking techniques that are the key to creating delicious authentic dishes. The recipes evoke the essence of Italy, whether it be a plate of pasta topped with a simple sauce of olive oil, garlic and clams, a slow-cooked aromatic beef stew or the perfect seafood risotto. The additional advantage of the Italian diet, like that of most Mediterranean countries, is that it is one of the healthiest. This aspect, along with the distinct personality of Italian cuisine, is captured in these recipes, from the mixed antipasti platter, featuring juicy wedges of cantaloupe melon with salami, prosciutto, fresh figs, succulent black olives and a sprinkling of fresh basil, to grilled sardines with lemon sauce, and roast lamb with rosemary and Marsala, not forgetting the ubiquitous pasta and pizza.
Those with a sweet tooth will not be disappointed with the selection of desserts, ranging from the decadently rich and creamy tiramisu to the refreshing iced lemon granita.

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