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风水家居艺术 Feng Shui Style

作者:本社 编

出版社:Oversea Publishing House

This book demonstrates clearly that ancient Chinese principles of feng shui are not just compatible with good architectural and interior design--but that the two may be carefully engineered to be mutually sup- portive on many different levels. Presented here are some of the most interesting and beautiful homes and interiors designed along feng shui principles in both Asia and the West to enhance the wellbeing and prosperity of those who use them. The beauty of this book lies not just in itsdepictions of energizing living environ- ments, but in the heightened awareness and appreciation that it brings of how feng shui can be made to work when designing highly functional and attractive contempo- rary living spaces. The feng shui techniques covered include simple Eight Mansion feng shui, the placement of Water Dragons, inte-rior and exterior furnishings and align- ments, and the calculation of intricate Flying Star charts. Examples range from the grand 19th century mansion belonging to one of the last and richest mandarins of Imperial China, via the timeless Balineseluxury of Begawan Giri, to the latest and most exciting Philippe Starck designed environments in London, each showinghow the timeless concepts and techniques of feng shui are used to enrich, harmonize, and stimulate.

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