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建筑与人体Architecture & Sensuality

作者:Larry Rouch 编

出版社:Oversea Publishing House

Larry Rouch,As an architect striving for innovation and vision Andrew Bromberg has led the design on,numerous award—winning projects throughout the world.Andrew Bromberg has over 1 5 years of professional experience In Architecture,with the Iast four of them being in Hong Kong.Andrew iS lead designer for Aedas in Asia.recognized for his ability to conceptualize and realize complex designs within a wide range of project types.
Andrew Bromberg, the lead designer for Aedas in Asia, is recognized for his intuitive ability to conceptualize and realize
complex design. With 15 years of professional experience,Bromberg has used invited competitions as a way of exploring and exposing new ideas. Boasting a curvilinear formal vocabulary of bulges, twists, and sweeps, Bromberg's sensually shaped buildings are the manifestation of an intellectual and material struggle through which type and structure are transformed by design. With many projects under construction or in the works, Andrew Bromberg has become one of the most prolific and sought-after designers in China, India, and the United Arab Emirates.
Architecture & Sensuality is the documentation of Bromberg's design visions within the emerging economies of Asia, complete with images, drawings, models, and construction photos. The pages within also include an essay, interview and statements by Larry Rouch, Rodolphe eI-Khoury,and Michael Speaks--each of them offering a comprehensive description of what is so appealing and seductive about Bromberg's work and the importance it bears in today s design environment.


Larry Rouch,As an architect striving for innovation and vision Andrew Bromberg has led the design on,numerous award—winning projects throughout the world.Andrew Bromberg has over 1 5 years of professional experience In Architecture,with the Iast four of them being in Hong Kong.Andrew iS lead designer for Aedas in Asia.recognized for his ability to conceptualize and realize complex designs within a wide range of project types.

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