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梳理你的生活与思绪Detox Your Desk : Declutter Your Life and Mind

作者:Theo Theobald 著


There are two important parts to Detox; the first is the physical clearing out of the detritus that litters our lives, so that we have a bit of space to breathe once more, the second and by far the most important is a change in the way we think.
We used to allow work to fill the time allocated to it, now most of us are embarked on a voyage of self-sabotage where we unconsciously leave some work permanently undone, as if to give ourselves something to stress over.
  Changes in society, technology and culture have driven a horse and cart through the traditional boundaries of the working day, it's pointless pretending any more that there's a work/life balance to be struck, work is interwoven with our existence. So, it follows that if we Detox our desks, we'll declutter our lives and minds.
  The book is split into 3 sections, starting with ANALYSIS. This is underpinned by Cary's background in psychology and Theo's experience across many business sectors. The problem is put under the microscope as we look at what work means, the guilt that's often associated with it and the kind of personal attributes that form our attitudes. There's an examination of the finite nature of the brain's storage capacity, the other things we use it for, the thinking styles we employ and the personality traits which affect our propensity to 'poison' our system. Understanding all of this is the first step to Detox.
  The next section is devoted to METHOD, a proven technique for clearing the clutter, ongoing management of physical and memory-based information, achievement of tasks-on-time and finishing work each day before the final whistle blows.
The final segment of the book is APPLICATION, where Detox is defined in terms of EROGONOMICS, RELATIONSHIPS and INTEGRATION, each aspect is given dedicated attention, including a ton of practical tips, delivered in a TEN DAY DETOX PROGRAM, where the reader is invited to follow their understanding of theory, with a practical course that will tidy their workspace, free their thinking and lift their spirits!
  Theo Theobald and Cary Cooper must be one of the oddest pairings in publishing. A Californian academic and media-darling and a streetwise Scouser with quick wit, a no-nonsense approach and a business network to die for.
  Theo Theobald is a freelance writer and sometime business professional, with a career that includes BBC management and advertising copywriting. He now runs his own company, Shocktactic Limited, writing and lecturing on management., lifestyle and human interaction. He describes himself as tirelessly enthusiastic and endlessly optimistic and admits that this can be 'a bit irritating'.
  Cary Cooper, CBE, is Professor of Organizational Psychology and Health at Lancaster University Management School, and Pro Vice Chancellor of Lancaster University. he is President of the British Association of counseling and Psychotherapy, former President o the British Academy of Management, a Patron of the National Phobic Society and an Ambassador of The Samaritans. He is the author of numerous books and scholarly articles. He was awarded the CBE in the Queen's Birthday Honours List in 2001 for his contribution to organizational health.

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