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Davidson糖尿病(第5版) Davidson's Diabetes Mellitus

作者:Anne Peters Harmel 著

出版社:Oversea Publishing House

Davidson's Diabetes Mellitus provides the most current information for the clinical care of patients with diabetes. The fifth edition of Davidson's Diabetes Mellitus has been significantly revised to reflect the rapidly expanding body of knowledge on the treatment of diabetes. The new edition has been expanded to include chapters on medical nutrition therapy, insulin resistance and macrovascular disease, and diabetes in children. The new edition also includes findings from the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study and updates on treatment options, including newer insulin analogs, recently approved medications, and combination therapies.
Medical Nutrition Therapy
  Macrovascular Complications in the Insulin Resistance Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes
  Diabetes in Management in Children and Adolescents
  Study design, findings, and clinical implications of the United Kingdom
  Prospective Diabetes Study trial
  new medications with descriptions and explanations of their clinical use
  combination therapy, particularly in type 2 diabetes
  Addresses contemporary concerns such as sexual function and psychological implications.
Provides step-by-step guidance to the management of diabetic patients and their concerns from travel to hygiene to weight control.
  Provides worksheets & handouts making it a comprehensive guide for patient education.
Completely updated list of diabetic resources

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