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超声:正常结构与功能导论(第2版) Sonography

作者:Reva Arnez Curry 著

出版社:Oversea Publishing House

This text offers the student a firm grounding in normal anatomy and physiology from an ultrasound perspective. After covering anatomy and physiology in the first half of each chapter, it then presents a wealth of ultrasound images to increase the reader's comfort with normal anatomy as it appears during scanning. Most images are accompanied by labeled drawings with detailed legends that explain what the reader is supposed to notice on the ultrasound scans. Instructor resources are available; please contact your Elsevier sales representative for details.
  Detailed, labeled line drawings accompany most sonograms to provide reinforcement of what the student should notice on the scan.
  1,200 images spread over 528 pages ensure students gain a thorough, visual understanding of the field.
Introduction to Specialty Sonography section gives students an understanding of career options and an understanding of sonographers' work in those areas.
  Abdominal aorta, inferior vena cava and portal venous systems chapters have been moved ahead of the abdominal organ chapters to reflect the order in which most instructors prefer to teach this material.
  250 new scans and accompanying line drawings prepare students for the latest equipment, and help relevant anatomy "pop" into view.
  New chapter on abdominal vascular technology helps students understand the effects of vascular stenosis on health, enabling them to better scan and understand why they're imaging the aorta and vessels of the abdominal organs.
  Two new chapters on 3D ultrasound and ultrasound assisted special procedures ensure students are prepared for the latest in technology and opportunities in the sonography field.
  Color images now appear in four distinct inserts, so students can flip more easily to the color images to compare the textual information and black and white images with the distinct clarity given by the color images.

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