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Ross & Wilson健康与疾病解剖及病理学(第10版)Ross and Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness

作者:Anne Waugh 著

出版社:Oversea Publishing House

The purpose of the book is reflected in its title, Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness. The text is written in straightforward language and is complemented by extensive clear, full-colour illustrations. Each chapter provides an explanation of the normal structure and functions of the human body and what occurs when disease or illness disrupts the normal processes.
Carefully refined, clear and unambiguous text
  Excellent layout ensures the text and relevant illustrations are close together
  Highly illustrated with clear line diagrams, mostly in colour
  Text uses regular sequences of headings, lists, and bullet points to help with learning and revision
  Omits the unnecessary detail which can confuse the student new to the subject
  A glossary of common prefixes, suffixes and roots commonly used in anatomy and physiology
  An Appendix containing useful biological values for easy reference
  Learning outcomes related to the sections within each chapter
  Accompanying Colouring and workbook that facilitates structured learning and revision of the material in this book
  Access to an Evolve companion website offering animations, MCQs, a full image bank, an audio   pronunciation guide as well as useful web links.

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