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牙髓治疗(第9版)Pathways of the Pulp

作者:Stephen Cohen 著

出版社:Oversea Publishing House

Completely updated to keep you absolutely current, this comprehensive reference remains the definitive text for practicing endodontists and general dentists. The ninth edition offers a superb new full-color design and integrates the latest evidence-based research for clinical treatments. It includes coverage of the latest devices and techniques including endodontic instrumentation, obturation, and surgical and retreatment procedures. Providing the latest in treating endodontic infections and pain, and in establishing differential diagnoses, this is a one-stop resource!
  Records and Legal Responsibilities chapter includes legal forms and descriptions of legal processes, guidelines for record keeping, and updated information on HIPAA/doctor-patient rights and responsibilities.
  Geriatric Endodontics chapter discusses special considerations and procedures for older patients.
  Digital Technologies chapter explains how electronic records can reduce paper flow, improve legibility of treatment plans and prescriptions, recall advice given to patients, and record diagnoses; it also shows how technology can be applied to improve patient care.
  Instruments, Materials and Devices chapter discusses tools and materials used to clean and shape the root canal,   including the new MTAD (Endo-Pure®) irrigant, plus appropriate care for instruments, and how to select proper instruments.
  Information on managing problems/emergencies in endodontic anesthesia explains troubleshooting guidelines for more efficient problem solving, and includes drug interaction tables and guidelines on how to select proper anesthetics.
  Endodontic Pharmacology chapter outlines pharmacologic options for pretreatment, posttreatment, and intraoperative stages, including current information on COX-2 inhibitors and new drugs on the market.
  Full-color design offers more detail in clinical photos.
  New contributors offer expert perspectives and build on the material in previous editions.
  Endodontic Failures chapter discusses treatment for apical periodontitis.
  Coverage of biocontaminants and the sterilization of tools and waterlines includes updates on antibacterial procedures and materials, and sterilization pre- and post-treatment, helping practices maintain better infection control.
  Information on wireless digital radiology describes components and applications, with a pro-and-con comparison to traditional film.
  Coverage of the connection between apical periodontitis/gingival infection and stroke/heart conditions helps clinicians make better decisions when preparing and treating patients.

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