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Crash Course病理学(第2版)Crash Course: Pathology

作者:本社 编

出版社:Oversea Publishing House

DON'T PANIG!Crash Course is here-the perfect set of course notes that you have, until now, only dreamt of. Have those late nights prevented you from making early morning lectures? Did the sun streaming into the lecture room kill your concentration? If you haven't managed to produce a set of comprehensive notes, then, with Crash Course, there's no need to worry. As thousands of students will tell you, Crash Course will help you get through your exams, and act as a quick and reliable reference throughout your course.
  These new and improved editions have been updated to include the latest research and the current best practice in disease management.Written by students, for students, under faculty supervision, Crash Course is written in a note form that is easily absorbed. You can use this book either as a revision aid or a supplement to course textbooks. Built-in features have been designed to maximize access to information and to help you retain it:
  ·Comprehension Check Boxes test your understanding of the topic you have just read
  ·Hints and -17ps Boxes draw attention to key content and give you advice on how to remember the concepts
  ·Extensive use of colour artwork helps you to understand the more complex material and to retain factual information
  ·The self-assessment section enables you to test your knowledge with exam-format questions This text first takes you through the fundamental principles of pathology covering cancer, tissue damage, infectious disease and inherited disease. Advances in our understanding of the molecular basis of disease and clinical applications of biotechnology are also considered. Part II looks at pathology applied to specific organ systems and presents the disorders of each systems with a
consistent approach taking incidence, aetiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, management and prognosis in turn. The aim has been to focus pathology into a comprehensive coverage of all the features of pathology that medical students need to know for their examinations. Multiple-choice,short-answer and essay questions make up Part III and allow you to assess your progress and test your exam performance after you have studied this text.

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