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牙髓治疗(第6版) Endodontic Therapy

作者:Franklin S. Weine 著

出版社:Oversea Publishing House

Ideal for those who want to expand their practice by offering root canal procedures, this valuable resource emphasizes the clinical aspects of endodontics. An extensive collection of "before and after" patient cases are illustrated with a generous number of radiographs many of which span over 25 years posttreatment. Offering the most relevant information in a convenient size, this 6th edition reflects the major changes in instruments, techniques in canal preparation, and the advances in canal filling that have occurred in the field.
More than 1,000 illustrations demonstrate techniques, procedures, and follow-up results.
Discussions of drug therapy include coverage of non-steroidal, antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
Information on emergency treatment includes emergency treatment for patients in pain, teeth with abscesses, and treating flare-ups of infection.
Retreatment and restoration of the endodontically treated tooth are addressed.
Case studies illustrate endodontic-orthodontic relationships.
Non-surgical alternatives to routine endodontic treatment are included.
The simple, concise language makes difficult topics easy to understand.
Up-to-date reference lists presented at the end of each chapter direct readers to additional literature on each topic and offer validity for all the concepts presented.
The author is well-recognized, highly respected, and known for his practical, almost anecdotal approach to endodontics.

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