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健康服务管理:概念与实践Managing Health Services

作者:Mary G Harris 著

出版社:Oversea Publishing House

In a health industry which iS dynamic and under pressure,community expectations and demands for quality health services are increasing,as are costs of these services.Despite more dollars,the demands are outstripping the available resources.Governments demand value for money and balanced budgets.Morbidity patterns are changing as populations age.Chronic diseases are complex to manage and require collabortive approaches.1n this context of change there iS a need for highly skilled health service managers.
A text for students and practising managers,Managing Heslth Services:Concepts and Practice deals with the concepts and strategies of effectivemanagement and leadership within the modern health care context.The authors recognise that the key iS education,and envision an Interactive and ongoing cycle of learning,involving managers’personal resources in the interest of improving organisational performance.Reading and Iearning are assisted by the use of case vignettes,instructive tables,figures,discussion questions and excellent reference Iists.The finaI chapter on applying theory to practice presents a number of Ionger cases with suggestions on how they might be used to assist learning.The authors are senior health management academics and practising heaIth care managers.1n each chapter,academics who are members of the Society of Health Administration Programs in Education,devoted to excellence in tertiary health service management education and research,are teamed with members of the Australian College of Health Service Executives who are practising managers.111is carefuI collaboration has produced a modern,authoritative and highly relevant text.

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