Mosby's Drug Consult is a vast database that provides the most current drug information available. It includes over 1,800 generic drug entries and many more prescription drug products indexed by generic name, U.S. brand name, international brand name, indication, and drug class. Mosby's Drug Consult book is updated annually. It contains nearly 1,000 drug monographs and is organized alphabetically by generic drug name. A keyword index cross-references all drugs by generic name, U.S. brand name, indication, and drug class. A separate international brand name index lists over 14,200 international brand names cross-referenced to their U.S. equivalents. The annual CD-ROM, included with the book, contains all the information in the book plus access to Drug Master Plus drug interaction tool with nearly 6,000 interactions and the Patient Drug Consult contains more than 3,500 customizable patient information handouts in English and Spanish.