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Tietz临床实验室检验指南(第4版):Tietz Clinical Guide to Laboratory Tests

作者:Alan Wu 著

出版社:Oversea Publishing House

This new edition of Norbert Tietz's classic handbook presents information on common tests as well as rare and highly specialized tests and procedures - including a summary of the utility and merit of each test. Biological variables that may affect test results are discussed, and a focus is placed on reference ranges, diagnostic information, clinical interpretation of laboratory data, interferences, and specimen types. New and updated content has been added in all areas, with over 100 new tests added.
  Tests are divided into 8 main sections and arranged alphabetically.
Each test includes necessary information such as test name (or disorder) and method, specimens and special requirements, reference ranges, chemical interferences and in vivo effects, kinetic values, diagnostic information, factors influencing drug disposition, and clinical comments and remarks.
  The most current and relevant tests are included; outdated tests have been eliminated.
Test index (with extensive cross references) and disease index provide the reader with an easy way to find necessary information
  Four new sections in key areas (Preanalytical, Flow Cytometry, Pharmacogenomics, and Allergy) make this edition current and useful.
  New editor Alan Wu, who specializes in Clinical Chemistry and Toxicology, brings a wealth of experience and expertise to this edition.
  The Molecular Diagnostics section has been greatly expanded due to the increased prevalence of new molecular techniques being used in laboratories.
  References are now found after each test, rather than at the end of each section, for easier access.

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