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临床放射肿瘤学(第2版)Clinical Radiation Oncology

作者:Leonard L. Gunderson,Joel E. Tepper 著

出版社:Oversea Publishing House

chapters this includes a "Front Page Format" summarizing some of the most important issues for the disease site and a closing section that include a "Treatment Algorithm" along with a discussion of controversies or challenges that remain.
  Offers broad multimodality perspectives on the field with a diverse team of respected editors and contributors drawn from institutions from across the country.
  Describes the scientific foundations of radiation oncology and general oncology as well as state-of-the-art techniques and modalities.
  Examines the therapeutic management of specific disease sites based on a single-modality and combined-modality approaches.
  Presents a clinically focused approach to help you implement the most effective treatment for each patient.
  Features a full-color design throughout and over 700 color figures which clearly depict treatment techniques; this allows for more complete integration of text, tables, and figures thus making key information easier to locate.
  Adds a "Diagnostic Algorithm" to disease-site chapters that highlights key tests and procedures in the initial work-up and follow-up of patients.
  Features new chapters in the Scientific Foundations Section (Biologics and Interactions with Radiation), Related Cancer Disciplines (Imaging - CT, MRI, Imaging - Nuclear Medicine, Health Services Research) and the Disease Site Sections (Meningiomas, Ependymomas and other Adult Brain Tumors; Management of the Neck; Melanoma; Uncommon Thoracic Malignancies; Penile Cancer, Benign Diseases).
  Offers comprehensive updates throughout to reflect the latest developments, including advances in biology, technology and single or multi-disciplinary treatment of a variety of malignancies.

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