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放射医师断层解剖手册Workbook for Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals

作者:Lorrie L.Kelley 著

出版社:Oversea Publishing House

This workbook uses an integrated approach to learning sectional anatomy and applying it to diagnostic imaging. It facilitates comprehension, learning, and retention of the material presented in Kelley's Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals, 2nd Edition. In addition to fill-in-the-blank, matching, multiple-choice, true/false, puzzles, fill-in-the-table, and short-answer questions, this new edition includes over 250 illustrations from the main text for labeling practice. Three post tests cover neurologic, body, and extremity content, offering additional opportunities for readers to test their comprehension.
  Chapter objectives provide lists of important concepts that readers should be expected to master by the end of the chapter.
  A variety of engaging activities assist in retention of material, such as matching, multiple-choice, short answer,true/false, fill in the blank, fill in the table, crossword puzzles, and labeling exercises.
  Multiple-choice post tests review material from groups of chapters for an additional assessment.
  Memory learning aids such as mnemonics are included, allowing readers to focus more of their attention on applications of concepts rather than memorization.
  More cross-referenced images and anatomy maps are added, specifically related to labeling exercises.
  Additional exercises reinforce the relationship of specific structures to surrounding anatomy.
  Updated material corresponds with updates to the main text.

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