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骨盆带:腰椎骨盆-臀部区域检查与处理方法The Pelvic Girdle

作者:Diane Lee 著

出版社:Oversea Publishing House

This text presents a logical approach to the examination. It features information on the assessment and treatment of the pelvic region and its related disorders that comes straight from real-world practice and research. The book summarizes the findings of the research and relates it to clinical practice through the presentation of examination techniques and guidelines for treatment. The material in this book, from a practitioner currently involved in research in the field, is completely up-to-date and theoretically sound.

  Reputation of the author as a worldwide expert lends the text credibility, as a resource for both clinicians and researchers.
  Contemporary information demonstrates the relevance of the academic research to all those working with low back pain.
  Highly illustrated descriptions of exercises for back pain treatment and prevention show the reader exactly what they need to do.
  Fully evidence-based, the book is still practical and clinically relevant in the way that it effectively relates the knowledge to real-world practice.

  Updated information on the anatomy and biomechanics sections incorporates the latest research findings from the field.
  Improved and expanded material on the pelvic floor and its anatomy, function, and treatment keep the reader current on this important topic.
  New chapters keep the coverage fresh and up-to-date.
  New illustrations, including both photographs and line drawings, provide helpful visual learning tools.

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