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女性性健康(第3版)Women's Sexual Health

作者:Gilly Andrews 著

出版社:Oversea Publishing House

Sexual health encompasses a broad range of interlinked mental, physical and emotional issues, reflecting how well-being, illness or a particular problem can influence a woman's sexuality and affect not only her but also her family, relationships, work and her own hopes and fears. Women's Sexual Health is a comprehensive reference and text book that holistically covers the full range of women's health issues from the young adolescent woman through to the post-menopausal woman. This book gives a holistic and balanced view of women's sexual well-being and of the inseparability of physical and mental health. The third edition of this successful book draws on a wealth of research and contributors' professional experience to provide a fully up-to-date and comprehensive textbook of women's sexual health.

  Comprehensively updated and referenced content on all aspects of women's health, reflecting the latest research and developments in current thinking
  Advice on dealing with key ethical and moral issues and dilemmas  
  Case scenarios to illustrate particular situations
  Sections in each chapter containing: learning objectives; ideas for personal and professional development; patient education points; useful resources and further reading lists

  All chapters comprehensively updated to reflect the latest research and developments in current Ideas for personal and professional development in each chapter Patient education points in each chapter

  Gilly Andrews, RGN, ENB, A08, Clinical Nurse Specialist in Family Planning, King's College Hospital; Menopause and PMS Clinic, The Lister Hospital, London, UK

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