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Escape Your Shape(健身技巧)

作者:Edward Jackowski 著

出版社:Oversea Publishing House

From pot bellies to large thighs, thick waists to spreading bottoms, even people who exercise daily often find themselves fighting a losing battle against specific figure problems. Sometimes, in fact, the problem only seems to get worse. Escape Your Shape is the first book to identify the four basic body types -- hourglass, cone, spoon, and ruler -- and to provide fitness programs designed for each one. A simple quiz helps readers determine their body type and begin a program that will bring visible changes in as little as two weeks. Each chapter details a basic workout and provides variations to accommodate different fitness levels and physical constraints such as back or joint injuries. Instructional black-and-white illustrations are also included. Jackowski proves that everyone can conquer the bumps, lumps, and sags that seem invulnerable to exercise; strengthen weak spots; and achieve the tone and contours they want. As Newsweek announced, "Jackowski takes bodies that fairly jiggle with flab and turns them into the kind of bodies people don't dare kick sand at -- at the beach or anyplace else". It's hard to imagine a more inspiring message to start off the swimsuit season.

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