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健康护理计划Business Planning for Healthcare Management

作者:Semple 著

出版社:Oversea Publishing House

Praise for the first edition:
  "The book's major strength is that it allows the author, Carolyn Semple Piggot, to use a very accessible style, without a great burden of academic theory or case studies. What theory it does contain is expertly used to provide a rationale for the service she cites...The book is an excellent tool for any clinician or junior manager to prepare a business plan. Both would gain knowledge and understanding without excessive effort." Health Service Journal.
  The revised and updated edition of this bestselling book is both practical and topical. It addresses planning strategies that will work for healthcare organisations. The advice and practical aids are designed to help readers with easy-to-find answers to common planning questions. The careful use of theory provides a rationale for the services cited to help the reader understand the limits of the advice and when it is necessary to seek expert help. A particularly good example of this is seen in chapter five in which an asthma study is used to illustrate how business planning issues arise from clinical issues.
  Pragmatic in its approach, the book will prove both interesting and useful to hospital managers, clinical practitioners and others new to management.

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