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High Wire的崛起High Wire Act : Ted Rogers and the Empire that Debt Built

作者:Caroline Van Hasselt 著


There has possibly never been a more daring business figure in Canada’s history than Ted Rogers. Hailed by some as a visionary with an incomparable insight, and equally loathed by others as a ruthless opportunist, Ted Rogers relentlessly conquered his rivals in three industries – radio, cable television and cellular telephony. High Wire Act is an unprecedented, in-depth analysis into how Ted Rogers, driven by the psychological need to restore his family's name, leveraged his stake in a small Toronto FM radio station and propelled it into a media and telecommunications behemoth worth over $23 billion. The many topics covered in the book include details on Rogers’…
  Unmatched ability to foresee the convergence of cable and telephony before anyone else did
  Insatiable appetite for debt and risk taking, and how he bet his company three times to carry out his vision
  Shrewd political and regulatory maneuvers that always kept him one step ahead of his competitors and political adversaries such as Bell and the Aspers
  Opportunistic acquisition of the Toronto Blue Jays
  High Wire Act is a fascinating and one-of-a-kind look into one of Canada’s most audacious and visionary business figures of the past fifty years. Every Canadian business reader will be enthralled by this enduring success story of Canada’s only true telecommunications mogul.

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