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诊断成像 Diagnostic Imaging

作者:Peter Armstrong 著

出版社:Oversea Publishing House

There is now a vast array of imaging modalities available for diagnostic use. Junior doctors are now faced with a range of complex and sophisticated imaging techniques – radioisotopes, ultrasound, CT and MRI are all used to demonstrate human anatomy and pathology affecting internal organs. Diagnostic Imaging is an introductory textbook that provides a balanced account of all the imaging modalities available to the practising clinician, explaining the techniques used and the indications for their use.
  The beautifully written text is organised by body system and covers all anatomical regions. Under each region, the authors discuss the imaging techniques available for that region and give guidelines for interpreting normal images. They then discuss the common diseases and signs that can be seen using each modality, illustrating these clinical problems with normal and abnormal images. In this new edition there is coverage of plain film, ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, radionuclide imaging and interventional radiology. The book is extensively illustrated throughout with high quality illustrations and images, with an additional plate section for colour doppler images.
  The aim of the book is to help the reader understand the principles of interpretation of all forms of imaging. It is therefore an ideal text for medical students, junior doctors, and practising clinicians.

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