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From Management to Leadership : Practical Strategies for Health Care Leaders从管理到领导:卫生保健领导者实用战略

作者:Jo Manion  著


"I used to wonder why we have so many health care managers and so few health care leaders. If you are curious about the same thing--Jo Manion explains it all in this book."
--Leland R. Kaiser, president, Kaiser Consulting
  "Today's challenging health care environment requires leadership qualities based on fundamental interpersonal competencies. In this book Manion presents helpful insights with lots of examples for aspiring health care team members."
--James W. Varnum, president, Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital and Dartmouth-Hitchcock Alliance
  "Unique in presenting essential leadership content in a competency framework using real life examples, Jo Manion's From Management to Leadership is for anyone in or seeking a leadership role in today's chaotic, rollercoaster health care or education system."
--Carole Kenner, dean and professor, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center College of Nursing
  "For anyone who wants to be reminded about what sound leadership entails, this is the book for them. I recommend it without reservation."
--Tim Porter-O'Grady, senior partner, Tim Porter-O'Grady Associates, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia and co-author of Quantum Leadership: A Textbook of New Leadership
  "The communication, coaching, and motivational theories and tools Manion brings together are comprehensive and just what is needed for any leader seeking better results."
--Mary Jenkins, co-author, Abolishing Performance Appraisals and vice president of organizational learning and development, Genesys Regional Medical Center, Grand Blanc, Michigan

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