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胸腔图谱 Chest Atlas

作者:Mary L. Durizch 著

出版社:Oversea Publishing House

Chest Atlas: Correlated Thin-Section Anatomy in Five Planes is a highly accurate, definitive anatomic reference of the chest. Anatomic specimens and specimen radiographs were obtained from fresh-frozen cadavers whose lungs were re-inflated to render the most accurate, life-like representation possible. The authors then meticulously matched computed tomography, trispiral tomogram, and magnetic resonance images of normal subjects to the corresponding anatomic section. A plain film radiograph of each section completes the correlation between cadaver and clinical imaging techniques. Each section from each plane is displayed on a two-page spread containing the labeled anatomic specimen in full color, the anatomic key, and the radiographic images, thus facilitating the correlation of the anatomic specimen and radiographs. The reader's understanding is also enhanced by: - fresh-frozen cadavers, meticulously prepared and sectioned - sectioning of all planes (axial, coronal, sagittal, left oblique and right oblique) - retention of normal tissue color - section keys to keep the reader oriented - uniform labeling key throughout the book - state-of-the-art clinical images, precisely correlated to the cadaver sections This atlas will be especially useful to radiologists, surgeons, and chest physicians who seek a definitive reference source on normal chest anatomy. This book will be an invaluable reference source for correlating diagnostic images with clinical findings.

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