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Frist Proceedings of URP-Related Research at ICB

作者:中国农业大学国际学院 编


For the purpose of nurturing practical application ability and innovative spirit of students of Interna-tional College at Beijing, China Agricultural University, ICB authority made the decision to initiate URP(Undergraduate Research Program) in September, 2006 based on the successful experience of URP prac-tice by "Honorary Biology Class" of CAU and the motivation policy by CAU Division of Teaching andLearning Affairs.
   When the first round of URP at ICB was rolling out, the response from the students was much active.The number of ICB students submitting the application forms for joining URP was significantly larger thanthe maximum number of URP students that the supervisors could handle. Then the standards for screeningqualified URP students were rather competitive. Only the students with excellent GPA and English levelwere finally admitted into the program. The competition for the second round of URP at ICB was more in-tense,
   In order to widen the knowledge horizon of students, the URP management team invited many famousdomestic and foreign instructors to deliver relevant lectures on advertising, human esource management,marketing, financing, accounting and influential cases analyses. The five supervisors took the responsibili-ty for discussing URP-related issues with the corresponding students regularly and shared their researchexperience with URP students.
   To guarantee the smooth progress of each round of URP, the students were required to deliver themid-term presentation and final presentation about their specific research projects. Foreign guest lecturerswere invited to join the presentations and proposed challenging questions for students to answer. Eachgroup was required to submit a final research report.
   Two rounds of URP at ICB have been successfully completed. As Dean of ICB and one of the supervi-sors, I have a deep impression about the creative input and fruitful achievements by URP students in thepast two years.
  A research paper is not required for URP students. However, many students tried to submit qualifiedpapers. The papers included in the proceedings were finally selected from many candidate papers by theEditorial Committee of ICB. Even though some of the papers are not adequate, the most important thing isthat many URP students have moved the first Step towards the academic research path.
  I am taking the opportunity just before the formal publication of the proceedings to thank everyonecontributing to the two rounds of URP at ICB. I also hope the authors, our students, to have a bright fu-ture during the overseas study.

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