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The Gender Gap In College: Maximizing The Developmental Potential Of Women And Men大学的性别差异:如何使男性和女性发展的潜能最佳化

作者:Linda J. Sax 著


Drawing on data from a sample of approximately 17,000 male and female students that represent 200 institutions, The Gender Gap in College examines the impact of college experiences, peer groups, and faculty on a comprehensive array of student outcomes. Author Linda Sax’s approach is unique because she directly examines the interaction between gender and a variety of college experiences, a major inquiry which addresses the fundamental “individualization” question: do women and men respond differently to a given educational experience? The areas covered in the book include academic achievement, self-concept, life goals, career development, physical and emotional health, political and social attitudes, and satisfaction with college.
  The Gender Gap in College is a pioneering book that reveals the ways in which the effect of college is a function of a student's gender and places the study of college impact within the larger discussion of the gender gap in higher education. The book is designed to serve as a resource for student affairs professionals, academic affairs personnel, and other campus practitioners and policy makers who are most concerned with ways in which "college impact" varies for different types of students.
  Drawing on data from a sample of approximately 17,000 male and female students that represent 200 institutions, The Gender Gap in College examines the impact of college experiences, peer groups, and faculty on a comprehensive array of student outcomes. Author Linda Sax's approach is unique because she directly examines the interaction between gender and a variety of college experiences, a major inquiry which addresses the fundamental "individualization" question: do women and men respond differently to a given educational experience?  
  Linda J. Sax is an associate professor in the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies at UCLA, where she serves as founding faculty director of the master's program in student affairs.

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