Bai Shouyi(1909-2000)was bor in Kaifeng、Henan Province and cducated at Zhongshan andYanjing univcrsitics.Bcgimling his tcachillg carerin 1939,he taught for lnore than 40 years,first atYunnan Univcrsity,thcn at NalI ing University andlater at Beijing Taacllers University where he servedas head or both the Department of History and thelnstitute of Htistory.
Ptofessor Bai'S many-sided acadcmic interestsarc refleetcd in the courses he taught on such sub-jects as general historiography,historical nlatcriat-ism、a general history of China,cultural history of China.history of Chinese historiography,history ofChina's external communication,history of ChincseIslamisnl.history of the Spring and AuttlIllli-War-ring States Period.history of thc Sui and Tang dvxlastits,and history of the Qillg Dynasty