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世界又热又平又拥挤 Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution

作者:Thomas L. Friedman

出版社:Oversea Publishing House

THOMAS L.FRIEDMAN,has been awarded the Pulitzer Prize three times for his work with The New York Times, where he serves as the foreign affairs columnist. He is the author of four previous books, all of them hestsellers: From Beirut to Jerusalem (1989), The Lexus and the Olive Tree (1999), Longitudes and Attitudes (2002), and The World Is Flat (2005). He lives in Bethesda, Maryland. A discussion guide for Hot, Flat, and Crowded is available at www.fsgbooks.com.
Thomas L. Friedman’s phenomenal number-one bestseller The World Is Flat has helped millions of readers to see the world in a new way. In his brilliant, essential new book, Friedman takes a fresh and provocative look at two of the biggest challenges we face today: America’s surprising loss of focus and national purpose since 9/11; and the global environmental crisis, which is affecting everything from food to fuel to forests. In this groundbreaking account of where we stand now, he shows us how the solutions to these two big problems are linked--how we can restore the world and revive America at the same time.   Friedman explains how global warming, rapidly growing populations, and the astonishing expansion of the world’s middle class through globalization have produced a planet that is “hot, flat, and crowded.” Already the earth is being affected in ways that threaten to make it dangerously unstable. In just a few years, it will be too late to fix things--unless the United States steps up now and takes the lead in a worldwide effort to replace our wasteful, inefficient energy practices with a strategy for clean energy, energy efficiency, and conservation that Friedman calls Code Green.   This is a great challenge, Friedman explains, but also a great opportunity, and one that America cannot afford to miss. Not only is American leadership the key to the healing of the earth; it is also our best strategy for the renewal of America.   In vivid, entertaining chapters, Friedman makes it clear that the green revolution we need is like no revolution the world has seen. It will be the biggest innovation project in American history; it will be hard, not easy; and it will change everything from what you put into your car to what you see on your electric bill. But the payoff for America will be more than just cleaner air. It will inspire Americans to something we haven’t seen in a long time--nation-building in America--by summoning the intelligence, creativity, boldness, and concern for the common good that are our nation’s greatest natural resources.   Hot, Flat, and Crowded is classic Thomas L. Friedman: fearless, incisive, forward-looking, and rich in surprising common sense about the challenge--and the promise--of the future.
  • 陈铁 2009-03-11
    全球暖化、能源耗竭、人口爆炸危機下的新經濟革命Hot,Flat,andCrowdedWENEEDAGREENREVOLUTION我們還有足夠的時間,只要能從現在做起我們現在正處於一個歷史轉捩點上。進入二十一世紀之後,我們不斷面臨各種挑戰:油價居高不下、恐怖主義威脅不減、全球暖化持續加溫、物價漲聲不停、全球人口激增、物種嚴重滅絕,再加上海嘯、洪水、乾旱等自然災難頻傳,世界失控的程度遠遠超乎我們的想像與… [阅读全文]

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