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作者:李德生,李大伟  著


Some geologists contribute more than others to the world''s energy supply and Prof. Li Desheng is one of them. Petroleum geology is one of the highest impact careers of the20th century and will continue to be such well into the 21st century. The geologist''s role in keeping up the demand for energy is essential and basic for the improving standard of living worldwide and improving technology worldwide. Geologists are the key to finding the place to explore, to do seismic, and to drill. They must find oil and gas where it has never been found before, where worn-out dogmas have prevented further exploration and denied discovery. Geologists must have new ideas, must have the courage to transplant models into new horizons, new basins. It takes more than good science to do this. A geologist must have the enormous courage for their convictions.
  They must sometimes face ridicule, skepticism, and bureaucracy They must learn to communicate, to convince, to lead, in order to make their discoveries and deal with their failures. Geology alone is rarely enough.
Prof. Li Desheng is the type section of the best kind of geologist. He has discovered and/or developed vast petroleum reserves for the benefit of his country, and mankind. He had the courage to challenge the geologic "dogmas" of the day. He has had the leadership to deliver teams of discoverers to the world for resource development. Prof. Li''s career will be the envy of many geologists who follow him. As students, we all dream of the field adventures we might one day have. We dream of someday finding one significant oil and gas field. It is the rare geologist who can claim the great number of field experiences and discoveries that Prof. Li has to his credit.

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