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北欧海盗Vikings (Cultures of the Past)

作者:Kathryn Hinds 著


Gr 9 Up-To read this title is to alter forever mythical perceptions of Viking heroes. The clearly written text avoids romanticizing, yet presents an engrossing, if not glamorous, picture of the Viking era. Hence, while readers may be impressed by the artistic skill, bravery, and determination of Norsemen adventurers, they also see their undeniable brutality. The volume presents not just facts, but riveting accounts of scientific discoveries and historic breakthroughs that have led to the determination of these facts. Thus, the painstaking work of salvaging ships and excavating burial mounds is clearly detailed, and full explanations are given when conclusions can be drawn from discoveries. Text and excellent-quality photographs display how a 10th-century skull, combined with 20th-century laser and computer technology, can bring us face to face with the eerie likeness of a man dead a thousand years. A heavily noted timeline, an extensive bibliography, and a full index add to the overall appeal.-Anita Palladino, Finkelstein Memorial Library, Spring Valley, NY Copyright 1994 Cahners Business Information, Inc.--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
  Describes the history, culture, and exploits of the Vikings and discusses their impact on the civilization of the British Isles and Europe in the eight and ninth centuries.

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