价值中国 - 财经商业新媒体
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Economic and Social Impact of Liberalization(市场开放的经济与社会影响)

作者:张蕴岭 主编


  Zhang Yunling, born in May 1945, now the Professor, Academy Member,Director of Academic Division for International Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He was the Director of Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies (1993-2007), Director of Institute of Japanese Studies (1995-2001) and Deputy Director of Institute of European Studies (1988——1992), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Currently he is also the President of Chinese Society for AsiaPacific Studies, Vice-president of PECC, China Committee. He is a well-known scholar on international studies. His major books include Interdependence in the World Economic Development, Study on the Changing World, East Asian Regionalism and China.
  In recent years, affected by the rise in the prices of raw and processed material, labor cost, energy and shipping fares, and the increase in currency exchanging cost caused by the fluctuating of exchange rate, the general export cost of Chinese agricultural products has kept increasing. It is believed that the prices of raw and processed material, labor resource, and energy sources will keep increasing in the near future, which is expected to bring unfavorable effects to China''s agricultural export to ASEAN, specifically, lack of labor resource and salary increasing will affect significantly the cost of the agricultural products that are processed by enterprises in eastern China, and the cost rise of energy sources and shipping will have even bigger effects on the export of agricultural products from central and western area of China, and the appreciation of RMB exchange rate will impose great pressure on the industries that signs future export contract and exports processed imported material, such as sea products.

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