Huang Guowen, Professor of English and Linguistics at Sun Yatsen University. He received his PhD degrees from the University of Edinburgh and the University of Wales, Cardiff. He publishes extensively both in China and abroad, His research interests include systemic functional linguistics, discourse analysis, applied linguistics and translation studies.
本书介绍了学术论文的语言特点和语篇结构。它不同于以往大多数同类著作的是,本书阐明了这样一个观点:学术语篇语域是由一组宏观结构要素(macro-elements of structure)构成的,而每一种宏观成分又是由一组微观要素(micro-elements)组成的。本书通过援引新近在国内外学术刊物上发表的论文作为实例,讨论并解释了不同宏观和微观要素的基本理论基础、功能和相关的语言特征。