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The Big Book of Graphic Design 平面设计专集

作者:Roger Walton 著

出版社:Oversea Publishing House

The Big Book of Graphic Design is the independent, international, and indispensable collection of graphic design from around the world.
  The work is grouped into seven categories:
  Corporate design
  Design for the arts
  Design for music
  Design for education
  Editorial design
  Self promotion
  So, if you're looking for some ideas when designing a company brochure, go to Corporate Design. Need a theater poster? Look in Design for the Arts. Got a new band that could use some CD packaging? Browse through the wealth of design work for the music industry. But why stop there? Have a look at everything. You might find someone's educational design solution shows an approach that could work on your editorial project. Or how about some unfettered self-promotion? Bound to be something there!
  In a hurry? Go straight to the illustrated index at the back for stamp-sized snapshots of every piece of work in the collection, cross-referenced to the page on which they appear in the book. Each entry is listed with the designer's names, so you can check the index for contact details. It's that easy!
  So, who is this book for? It's for you! You who take inspiration from cutting edge examples of work, you who want to find a designer, you who just can't get enough of that international, independently sourced, and indispensable graphic design!
  Roger Walton is currently art director of acclaimed illustrated Book publishers Duncan Baird Publishers, London (www.Dbp.Co.Uk). He has lectured on design at several major art colleges in the uk.

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