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作者:Jianping He 著

出版社:Oversea Publishing House

Werner Jeker(1944) has received numerous national and international awards, including an Award for "Exeptional Use of Photography in Graphic Design" from the International Centerof Photography in New York in 1988, the First Prize for a new series of "Swiss Bank Notes" in 1989 and the "Grand Prize of Applied Arts" in 1991, awarded by the Vaudoise Foundation forartistic promotion and creation. Furthermore, a great number of his posters have been awarded at the Warsaw, Lathi and Toyama poster exhibitions. His posters are in public collections worldwide. He has implemented various corporate designs like "Weimar '99" (European cultural city 1999, art director for communi- cations); Foundation Schloss Neuhardenberg, Berlin (2001); Institut national du partimoine (INP), Paris (2002); City of Geneva (2004) and since 1984 he is responsible for the corporate design of "Theatre de Vidy", Lausanne. He developed and implemented concept, architecture and scenography of the pavilion SIGNALPAIN at the Swiss National Exhibition EXPO.02 (1998-2002). In 1984 he co-founded the graphic and industrial design studio "Les Ateliers du Nord" with Antoine Cahen and Claude Frossard. He regularly collaborates with various major, social and commercial institutions such as the "Swiss Foundation for Photography", the "Ciné.mathéque Suisse", various museums in Lausanne, the "Collection de I'Art Brut", the "Mosée de I'Elysée" and the "Musée des Arts décoratifs". In Paris he worked for the "FNAC Gaieties Photo", the "Cité de la Musiqoe" and the Magnumphoto agency.
  Since 1965 he has been living and working in the Lausanne area.He set up his own studio in Lausanne in 1972, while teaching at the Lausanne School of Art and Design, where from 1974 to 1986 he was head of the graphics department. He teached 1995-97 as professor in the State College for Design, Karlsrnhe/Germany and 1997-98 as visiting docent in the Ecole Supérieure des Arts Dkcoratifs (ENSAD), ParisIFrance. Since 2003 he is co-head ofstudies in Visual Communication at Berne University of the Arts BUA, Bern/Switzerland.

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