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作者:Fang-Hao WAN 等著


Fang-Hao WAN,Professor and Director of Biological Invasion Department Institute of Plant Protection Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Dr Fang-Hao Wan has being working on the research of invasion ecology and biological control of agricultural alien pests for more than 20 years. He has got extensive research experiences with prevention and management of invasive insects and weeds, especially in agriculture and natural ecosystems, and biological control of agricultural insect pests and weeds. Because of his distinctive contribution to the development of research and management of invasive alien species (IAS) in China, Dr Wan has been reconginzed as a National Chief Leading Scientist in Biological Invasions. Since 2002, being a chief-scientist of national-wide research projects on IAS in China, he has been organizing more than 12 national research teams to focus on the basic and applied research on understanding invasive mechanisms of IAS, and developing management technologies for risk assessment, early-warning system, rapid detection, field surveillance, biological control of agricultural and forest invaders, and eco-restoration of invaded environments. Between 2002 and 2008, Dr Wan, with his seven national working groups, has completed the first phase study for "Invasion Biology and Control Strategy of Alien Species in Agriculture and Forestry" under the National Basic Research and Development Program funded by Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST). Building up on that, he has successfully got funding support from MOST for the next five years research "Invasion Mechanisms and Management of Major Alien Species. Since 2006, the other five national working groups have been also established to work on the MOST-funded project of "Field Survey and Bio-security Assessment of IAS in China". Dr Wan has established wide international collaborations on a number of projects on IAS and biological control of agricultural pests. He has been working closely with CABI scientists on management and risk analysis of IAS. His research group has also participated in the Asia Link Project -Tackling Biosecurity between Europe and Asia: Innovative Detection, Containment and Control Tools of Invasive Alien Species Potentially Affecting Food Production and Trade (2007-2010, funded by EC). Dr Wan has published over 230 papers in peer-reviewed journals. Recently, he with his national core members of IAS working groups are working on a series of books on Invasion Biology, and planning to set up Invasion Biology discipline in China. He has chaired the Sub-Society for Biological Invasion, Chinese Society of Plant Protection since 2008. Dr Wan is a Deputy Editor-in-chief ofActa Entomologica Sinica, and an Editor of Agricultural Sciences in China, Biodiversity Science, Chinese Journal of Biological Control, Journal of Environmental Entomology and Chinese Bulletin of Entomology etc, respectively.
Relationship Between Environmental Factors and Distribution Patterns of Invasive Alien Species、Principal Component Analysis of Major Environmental Variables Affecting the Invasion Success、Regional Distribution Patterns of Invasive Alien Species in China等。

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