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Studio Downie Architects Downie工作室建筑设计作品
作者:Craig Downie 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
This new NeoArchitecture monograph presents the work of Studio Downie, a young practice whose work to date has mostly appeared in the UK, but is poised to make its mark o…
原  价:¥200.00 
当当价:¥162.60  节省:¥37.40

Cooper, Robertson and Partners: Cities to Gardens (Master Architect) (Hardcover)城市园林设计
作者:Images Publishing Group 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
Cooper, Robertson & Partners was founded in 1979 on the ambitious premise that the pursuit of excellence in both architecture and urban design could best serve its client…
原  价:¥400.00 
当当价:¥325.20  节省:¥74.80

Remote Luxury (风景奢华别墅)
作者:Sabina Marreiros 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
Remote Luxury - Top Resorts Down Under is the ultimate guide to getting away from it all in both Australia and New Zealand. Over the past decade or so, Australia and its …
原  价:¥370.00 
当当价:¥300.80  节省:¥69.20

Living Together Multi-Family Housing Today连体别墅
作者:Michael J. Crosbie 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
Today, more than ever, multi-family housing is recognised as vital to modern, urban communities. This type of housing requires immense dexterity from an architectural per…
原  价:¥380.00 
当当价:¥308.90  节省:¥71.10

Steel Houses 钢结构房屋
作者:Barton Myers Associates 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
Since 1970 , the architect Barton Myers has constructed three custom-designed steel residences in addition to developing a flexible prototype for standardized, mass-produ…
原  价:¥306.00 
当当价:¥248.80  节省:¥57.20

(MA-6)Fox and Fowle Architects 福克斯建筑师-当代建筑大师系列
作者:Bruce Fowle 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
New York firm Fox & Fowle Architects is recognized worldwide as one of the shapers of the new city. Its work spans some 25 years, during which they have won numerous nati…
原  价:¥420.00 
当当价:¥341.50  节省:¥78.50

Details in Design 设计中的细节
作者:Joe Boschetti 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
Extensive research by IMAGES over several years reveals the need for a comprehensive, easy-to-follow guide to architectural details. Details in Design is the latest editi…
原  价:¥420.00 
当当价:¥341.50  节省:¥78.50

100 Great Extensions and Renovations 100种延伸和创新设计
作者:Philip Jodidio 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
Homeowners search continuously for ways in which to rework existing residential space - for improved size, comfort, functionality and financial gain. As demonstrated in t…
原  价:¥400.00 
当当价:¥325.20  节省:¥74.80

Architecture for Science 建筑科学
作者:Michael J. Crosbie 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
As a building type, laboratories are a relatively recent invention. Today's modern scientific society demands special equipment, space and accomodation for activites that…
原  价:¥420.00 
当当价:¥341.50  节省:¥78.50

Manuelle Gautrand Architecture 建筑设计(Manuelle Gautrand)
作者:Christophe Le Gac 著
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
Manuelle Gautrand established her architectural practice in 1991, and has since produced a significant body of work. The firm spans a range of comission types, from domes…
原  价:¥180.00 
当当价:¥146.30  节省:¥33.70

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